

White Rose Pickleball Association, Inc.

(Jan. 1, 2023)

Article I: Association Name

  1. White Rose Pickleball Association, Inc
  2. Address, the address of the current president and phone number
    1. 670 Hampstead Court, York, PA 17403
    2. (717) 801-2342

Article II: Non-Profit Status

  1. Domestic nonprofit Corporation in the state of Pennsylvania, Entity No. 6771805
  2. 501 (c) 3 by the IRS with public charity status and contribution deductibility.
  3. DLN: 26053690003178

Article III: Mission Statement

  1. To promote and enhance opportunities to play the game of pickleball both indoors and outdoors in the greater York, PA area.
  2. To promote a healthy lifestyle through physical activity, social interaction, mental acuity, and the strategic cognition necessary to play the game.
  3. To offer levels of instruction through clinics to members and the public at no cost.
  4. To foster competition by hosting tournaments i.e., the York County Senior Games, the Keystone State Games, the PA Senior Games, and other regional tournaments.

Article IV: Service to Members and the Public

  1. All services to the membership and public, including instruction and the labor to create new courts is accomplished by volunteers from the membership.

Article V: Members

  1. Members are those interested in playing and learning the game of pickleball
  2. Members are expected to play by the rules in the spirit of fair play
  3. Membership is open to all regardless of race, religion, gender, age or disability
  4. A membership may be revoked by a majority vote of the Governing Council for just cause.

Article VI: Meetings/Elections

  1. A general membership meeting can be called by the governing council at anytime
  2. A general membership meeting may be called each January to elect or replace a member(s) of the governing council
  3. If a council member resigns or cannot fulfill his/her obligations before the members term is up, the Governing Council can replace the member for the remainder of the term
  4. Nominations for and election of council members can be accomplished via email. At least one third of the membership must vote in an election of officers

Article VII: Governing Council

  1. President, term of office two years
  2. First Vice President, term of office two years
  3. Second Vice President, term of office two years
  4. Secretary/Treasurer, term of office is open ended
  5. Past President, term of office two years

Article VIII: Committees

  1. The governing council may set up Association committees based on need
  2. committees may include;
    1. Fundraising
    2. Competition
    3. Building and grounds
    4. Social

Article IX: Funds

  1. Dues are set by the governing council and are due each January 1. Current dues are $50/year
  2. New member dues are due at the time of joining the Association and are not prorated
  3. Dues are used to cover Association expenses such as supplies, teaching aids, promotional materials, balls, standards/nets, barriers between indoor courts, safety padding, benches, windscreens for outdoor courts, etc.
  4. The treasurer shall submit a report to the governing council and membership each December 31 showing the dues on hand and expenses incurred for the year.
  5. The treasurer will keep track of all funds raised from Association activities and report to the governing council and the membership each December 31, i.e. profit from tournaments and or funds raised to promote and build courts in the greater York area.

Article X: Amendments/Additions to the Constitution

  1. Amendments/additions to the constitution can be brought to the governing council by any member for consideration
  2. Amendments/additions to the constitution are considered, approved/disapproved, by a majority of the Governing Council

Article XI: Dissolution

  1. “Upon dissolution of the White Rose Pickleball Association, Inc., assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.”